David went for his MRI last week. The results confirmed the initial diagnosis, lipomeningocele with a tethered cord. That’s good, overall. He will need surgery, but this is a very mild defect and fairly easy to correct. The surgery will be in June, and he’ll be in the hospital for a couple of days.

The MRI experience went very smoothly. Miraculously smoothly, in fact. David usually wakes up several times to eat in the early morning, so I was expecting to have a very unhappy baby when he woke up for his morning snack. And….he didn’t wake up. I fed him for the last time around 3:30am, and he slept up until we put him in his car seat to go to the hospital. Then he fell back asleep until time for his MRI! He normally would have wanted to eat around 5:30 and 7:30, so I absolutely view that as divine intervention — no kidding.

Then, once David was being prepped for surgery, he woke up and started smiling at all the nurses. Occasionally he would look in my direction and pout, but in general he was his normal, smiley, cuddly self.

The Vanderbilt team was very kind, and they ensured that everything went smoothly. I am grateful to be in a city with such a wonderful hospital.

Mostly I am grateful to God for the blessings we continue to encounter on every part of this journey.