So I’m trying to figure out what my “mommy” hairstyle will be.

I had visions of letting my hair grow out during pregnancy so that I would have long, luxurious princess hair when my baby was born. However, I failed to consider that a)cutting my hair short at the beginning of the pregnancy would not help this goal and b) my hair




So now I have medium-length hair that is BORING, and I’m trying to figure out my next step.

I still want the princess hair. I’ve never had very long hair, and right now my hair is the longest it’s been in years, so if I’m going to do it, now’s the time. I have curly/wavy hair, so I imagine it looking something like Buttercup’s in The Princess Bride. Yeah. Maybe after 20 years of no hair cuts.

However, I’m realizing that perhaps long hair is not the wisest choice for a new mom. It seems to be a great tug/chew toy for baby, plus I keep finding it wrapped around his diaper, his neck, his sleep sack, etc. Also, long hair can be pretty hard to style for us curly-headed lasses. Any hairstyle other than a quick ponytail requires the use of a blow dryer or straightening iron to avoid a frizzy mess, and I just don’t have the patience for that.

So it seems that a short ‘do is the way to go. I could totally do short hair. I imagine myself as an emo-chick with piecey, pointed black hair and face-framing bangs. Wait, what? No dyeing my hair black while baby is drinking breastmilk? Oh, well I can do the rest….what? Curly hair can’t be piecey and pointy without hours of straightening that requires time I just don’t have? Booooo. And the bangs? Well, if I had a picture of myself from the last time I had bangs (circa 1991) you would see why curly hair and bangs just don’t go together.

I really do want the bangs — I just don’t like short hairstyles without them. But I don’t know that I can invest the styling time bangs would require. And remember, since my hair




if I find that my new bangs are a mistake, I get to spend years trying to undo it.

Then there is this other issue. Wow, I’m really not sure the world is ready to see this yet. Well, here goes:

That’s my angel ‘fro. I have these short, little hairs that form a halo around my head, and there is nothing I can do about them. Extreme amounts of straightening and styling product might tame them for a time, but they are always there, mocking me. Even a simple ponytail can go from decent to laughable when these things make their appearance. Apparently that part of my hair is so thin and fine that it can’t grow to a decent length.

So there is only one option. I’m going to shave off my angel ‘fro and rock the Elizabethan hairstyle.

If you would like to save me from a lifetime of looking like a Renaissance-era noblewoman, leave a comment with your hairstyle suggestion. Even better, link to a picture!