Y’all. I have a new favorite gift for people on bed rest. Not that I know anybody on bed rest, but you never know. Anyway.

NextIssue. Tons of magazines, including back issues. On your tablet. $10 a month.

Normally I don’t find time to read my favorite magazines. But this service means that when I do find myself with extra time on my hands (road trips, bed rest [shudder], hospital stays [double shudder]), I can subscribe for a month and catch up on my reading.

There’s a one-month free trial, which was a delightful treat for me as we drove to Texas last month. I perused the latest couple of issues of Real Simple and found a new magazine (People Stylewatch — shhhh, don’t tell) to explore.

I don’t want to subscribe to NextIssue for the entire year, considering I don’t read $120 ($10/month x 12 months) worth of magazines each year. But I have a couple of road trips this spring, and  a one-month NextIssue subscription definitely is on my survival list.

FYI, the app can be a little bulky and buggy at times, so if you are concerned about your device running smoothly you may find NextIssue a frustrating experience.

Overall, though, I’m excited to find out about NextIssue. I keep thinking how it can make the tough realities of life — bed rest, road trips, hospital stays — a bit more pleasant.

Is your favorite magazine on NextIssue? What do you think of the service?

P.S. — NextIssue did not sponsor or encourage this post. Just sharing a new find!