
Hey, friends! What a week! Er, month? I don’t know about you, but I’ve been swamped as my boys finished out the school year. I spent today de-cluttering our countertops, answering long-neglected emails, and catching up on my reading.

I’ve fired up Fair Fashion Finds to catalog the sales I’m hearing about this weekend. So far my favorites include 30% off Synergy Organic Clothing and 20% off PACT Apparel (referral link! Woo!).

Some interesting fair fashion funding campaigns are happening at the moment. Leah at StyleWise shared about Sotela’s “Last Dress You’ll Ever Need.” I love this concept, especially when I think about how many different dress sizes I’ve worn. Also, Purple Buddha Project is raising funds for their line of jewelry made from upcycled weapons material.

As I start a summer with my little boys in tow, I’m thankful for posts like Suburban Turmoil’s sweet thoughts on her energetic boy and An Intentional Family Summer over at Raising Boys and Girls. I’ll also be looking to this post on children and transitions as my little guy starts kindergarten in the fall.

Finally, A Beautiful Refuge is up and running for pre-orders! My design isn’t available yet, but you can bet I’ll let you know when it is! In the meantime, check out the first few available designs.

Have a great weekend!