I received a dress from Love Justly in exchange for a brand review. All opinions are my own. This post also includes referral links to support this site. 

Dress: Symbology via Love Justly | Jeans: Hudson USA via Nordstrom Rack | Boots: Justin Boots | Earrings: Noonday Collection | Necklace: Noonday Collection | Cuff: Branded Collective

When I talk with friends about sustainable fashion options, cost is an issue that comes up again and again. I love supporting fair fashion brands by purchasing items at full price, but that’s not always an option with my budget.

I come from a long line of bargain hunters and was raised with a healthy appreciation of outlet malls and discount sales. Shopping ethically has meant letting go of how much I can buy for how little, focusing instead on quality and manufacturing techniques.

But can I have it both ways? Can my passion for ethical style allow room for a good sale? Ethical outlet site Love Justly says yes! Love Justly has combined a commitment to ethical fashion with bargain-shopping fun to make sustainable clothing more accessible for everyone.

I have long been an admirer of Symbology Clothing’s beautiful tunics and dresses, but their styles usually fall a bit beyond what I can spend. With Love Justly, I can find Symbology’s beautiful styles from past seasons at half price.

Love Justly makes fair fashion more affordable for budget-conscious shoppers, but their business model also benefits the brands they carry. While sustainable companies have fewer seasons than fast fashion, they occasionally need to clear out old inventory as they bring in the new. Love Justly provides a home for that inventory, taking it straight to consumers at discounted prices.

Shopping at Love Justly is like finding your favorite discount rack without the crowds. Pieces are available in limited quantities and sizes, but new inventory is constantly rotated through the site as more items are added.

One of my favorite things about the Love Justly dress I’m wearing here is the versatility. When I add an item to my closet, I need it to be a workhorse I can wear in several ways. I love this dress as a casual piece with jeans or leggings, but it also makes a wonderful date night dress when I add a belt and sandals.

I’m excited about Love Justly’s mission as they prolong the life of these beautiful, fairly made pieces. With brands such as Sseko, Ten Thousand Villages, Elegantees, and Passion Lillie, Love Justly offers a variety of products and styles that is expanding each month.

Check out Love Justly’s offerings and sign up for their email list to see how you can add beautiful, affordable, ethically made fashion to your closet. Shop responsibly, friends!