Photo by Paul Nicholson
Photo by Paul Nicholson

We introverts have enjoyed the limelight lately. Books and articles extol our hidden virtues and proclaim the wisdom of keeping an introvert handy at all times.

For those of us who often feel invisible in the chaos, it’s been nice.

Lately, though, I’ve realized how thankful I am for the extroverts in my life.

A few weeks ago I nervously introduced myself to a newcomer at Bible Study. I knew she had just moved into the area, and I wanted her to feel welcome.

After I said hi, she immediately shifted into friendly conversation. And we were friends. That was it.

If it had been up to me, we would have exchanged names and then sat quietly next to each other for the next 15 minutes, perhaps awkwardly smiling at odd intervals.

In my life, the extroverts are the connectors and the welcomers. I owe countless friendships to extroverts who invited me to events or introduced me into their circles.

So today I’m thankful for you, my extrovert friends. Thank you for making the world a welcoming place.