Barbed wire in the desert
Photo by Jamey Meirndorf on Unsplash

Our country was founded on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but we struggle again and again to provide these things to everyone within our land. Holding to the ideals of the United States of America means working to improve our nation until freedom reaches from sea to shining sea, and from border to border.

Recently we have re-discovered the deplorable conditions in which human beings are being kept by our government, and now we have the opportunity to take a stand.

If you are looking for ways you can help with the border crisis, here are some places to start:

Write Your Officials
Contact your elected officials to express your concern. Not sure what to say? Here are some ideas:
–Ask that migrant children be released into the care of relatives and friends
–Demand humane treatment of anyone in U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody
–Ask your senator or representative to visit border patrol facilities and see conditions firsthand

Donate Money
Financial donations are the most helpful way to give support. These are some of the organizations doing work at the border:
Catholic Charities
Kids in Need of Defense
Project Corazon
Save the Children
Texas Civil Rights Project
Together Rising
World Relief

Donate Supplies
Hosting a supply drive or personally sending a few items can be a rewarding way to contribute. Government facilities do not accept donations from the public, but supplies can be sent to other shelters and organizations helping immigrants near the border.
Cuidad Nueva/Anglican Immigrant Initiative
Kino Border Initiative
Rio Grande Valley Rapid Response

Across the nation, Americans are showing up at detention facilities to protest inhumane conditions. Organizations including Families Belong Together and hosted Close the Camps rallies on July 2; get connected with them and other immigrant rights groups to find out about future gatherings. One Twitter user, upon hearing that the administration claimed they might not need to supply hygiene items to detained children, invited her followers to send soap and a toothbrush to every port of entry.

What More?
For many, prayer is a first step in asking for mercy and changing the world. Some people may be motivated to write or make art that creates awareness or expresses lament. Share what’s happening with others who may not be familiar with the situation, but know it’s okay to take a break if you are overwhelmed by the images and facts.

There are many ways to respond, but a response is needed. Celebrate our nation’s independence by advocating for the freedom of all.